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Ty Cole Gay Porn Videos

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  • Age: 20
  • Height: 5.10 (178cm)
  • Weight: 165 (75 kg)
  • Shoe: 10 US (44 EU)
  • Cock: 6.5 (17cm)
  • Performer Rating: 4.07/5

In his own words:

"What does it taste like?"

Our comments:

"Ty has been married, has kids, and currently is working. However, the job that he has doesn't pay well, lucky for us."

Producer comments:

"Ty can fuck like a demon."

  • Close Your Eyes, Pretend I'm A Girl

    Ty, Gabe and Seth are in this hardcore gay sex scene together. See how far each of these guys go as I push their limits.

  • I Do Gay Porn To Support My Kids

    Ty is straight with a girlfriend and 2 kids. He has a job but just not making enough so he saw our ad and decided to come in and do a scene with another dude.

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  • HRNDG4U on 03/23/2019

    Too bad Gabe and Seth didn't come back. When Ty was fucking Gabe, at some point he should have encouraged Ty to fuck either him or Gabe. I believe he would have tried it with a little more enticing. Gabe loved getting dicked, makes one wonder if their friendship became one of FWB? Disappointing Gabe didn't come back.
