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Slink Gay Porn Videos

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  • Age: 20
  • Height: 5.9 (175cm)
  • Weight: 150 (68 kg)
  • Shoe: 8 US (41 EU)
  • Cock: 6.5 (17cm)
  • Performer Rating: 3.57/5

In his own words:

"When this Jimmy guy came up to me while waiting for the bus, I thought he was joking about this filming business. But turns out it wasn't a joke..."

Our comments:

"We sent Jimmy on a mission to find a new boy to bring in to the studio. He found Slink at a local bus stop."

Producer comments:

"Slink did good, and we got to push the boundaries with him - although not as far as I was hoping."

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  • saltlakejohn on 06/13/2016

    Sometime you like a person because who-knows-why. Slink's first two minutes, with the hat and the grin, made me think what a comfortable guy. I'd have coffee with him; maybe not a romance, but I bet he's got a good story.
